1. 土路 - 假設道路平坦並且沒有凹洞,安全速度是 40至50 公里/小時。當遇到不平坦(顛波道路)、有鬆散的岩石和最危險的土填凹洞路段,速度應該立刻降到 10至30 公里/小時。在顛坡或是土填凹洞路段上過快駕駛有可能造成輪胎變形並且爆胎。另外,塵土有可能會阻擋駕駛的視線,可等狀況疏暖後再繼續駕駛比較安全。
2. 碎石路 - 假設道路是均勻覆蓋良好的礫石路,安全速度是 40至60 公里/小時。當遇到彎曲路 和/或 路況將變成泥土路面時,速度度應立即減到10至20 公里/小時。
3. 沙路 (沙、海灘) - 假設道路在退潮時是乾燥並且穩固的,其安全速度是 40至80 公里/小時。當道路是潮濕的,速度應減到 5至20 公里/小時。在潮濕沙道上過快駕駛會導致車輛失控(特別是4WD,因為重心過高)。
1. 避免疲勞:至少每2小時停下來休息一下
2. 留意野生動物:盡量避免在晨曦、黃昏和夜晚的時候駕車,那些野生動物會在這些時段變得比較活躍。
3. 補給:在出發去旅行前,請備齊足夠的油料、水和食物。車輛的基本裝備中,千斤頂和備胎是不可或缺的。如果您打算開車往內陸走,其它用品如輪胎修理工具,散熱器軟管,風扇皮帶,拖車繩和火星塞等,也是需要一并準備的。
4. 告知:請讓你的朋友知道你的旅行計劃,包括打算行經的路線和預期的抵達時間。還重要的是在你安全抵達之後,也請告知你的朋友。
1. 無論什麼情況,請不要離開你的車子(失火爆炸除外)。失蹤的車輛會比失蹤的人容易讓人發現,找到下落。
2. 求救:如果沒有手機訊號,請等待路過的汽車並招手請求協助。
3. 節省飲用水:如果不是在主要幹道上的話。
4. 萬一你必須要離開車子的話,請記得留下信息,包括你打算行走的路線和方向,有多少人一同前往,是否含有傷患,以及你離開車輛的時間和日期。
另外附上一條YOUTUBE 短片給大家看看什麼叫UNSEAL ROAD吧。
Many backpacker friends have never driven on unsealed road in Australia. First timer tends to drive carefully for a short distance, and then gradually increases the speed when driver feels confidence over the condition of the unsealed road. Accidents normally occurred when the condition of the unsealed road suddenly changed and driver had insufficient time to react to the change.
There are mainly 3 types of unsealed road: dirt, sand and gravel. Each of these surface types needs to be carefully negotiated at a safe speed.
1. Dirt Road – Safe speed is 40 to 50 km/hr if the road is flat and no pot-holes. Speed should be immediately decreased to 10 to 30 km/hr, if there are sections of corrugations, loose rocks, and most deadly, dust-filled pot-holes. Excessive speed over pot-holes and corrugations, can make tyres deformed and blow your tires at the end. Dust can obscure driver's vision. It’s safer to stop and wait for it to settle.
2. Gravel Road – Safe speed is 40 to 60 km/hr if the road is covered evenly with good road based gravel. Speed should be immediately decreased to 10 to 20 km/hr, if the road started to become winding, and/or change to dirt road condition. Excessive speed over winding gravel road will cause the car to swirled and slide.
3. Sand Road (4WD driving on the beach) – Safe speed is 40 to 80 km/hr if the road is dry and solid during low tide. Speed should be immediately decreased to 5 to 20 km/hr, if the road is wet. Excessive speed over wet sandy road will cause the 4WD to lose control because of its high center gravity.
Few general rules before driving on long distant unsealed road:
1. Fatigue - Stop and rest at least every 2 hours
2. Wildlife - Avoid driving at dawn, dusk and after dark when they may become active.
3. Supply – Always stock enough fuel, water, and food before traveling. Other basic supplies such as a tyre jack and good spare tyre are essential. Additional supplies such as a tyre repair kit, radiator hoses, fan belt, tow rope and ignition parts are needed if you are driving along the Outback.
4. Inform – Always let your friend know your plan, the intended route and expected time of arrival. And also it is important to let your friend know you HAVE arrived safely.
Should a breakdown occurred:
1. Don't leave your car regardless of the circumstances. A missing car is easier to locate than missing people.
2. Call for help. If there is no signal, wait for a passing car and wave for help.
3. Economise on drinking water if you are not on a main road.
4. If you must leave the car, remember to leave information at the car about your intended route and direction, how many people are traveling including any injury, and time and date that you left the car.
Wish that everyone can understand how to drive safely on unsealed road in Australia, therefore reduce the risk of an accident. Thanks in advance.
Drive Safely.
NB. Welcome to correct the above advice if there is any omissions or errors.